A collection of Random Thoughts about Life, My New Weight Loss Journey with the Lap Band, Love, and Learning to Deal with the Curves that the Path brings Along the Way...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Losing Hope - May be Flying Solo!

Okay so little petty things never seem to work out for me. As of right now, it is looking like my wedding date-to-be isn't going to be. Unfortunately a series of events at work have made it look like he is going to be stuck there, forcing me to have to fly solo (as usual) for the wedding Saturday night. There is still the courteous "perhaps" on the floor, but at this point, I am not holding out much hope. It is funny because I REALLY REALLY want him to go with me. I think we would have soo much fun together this weekend, and I really hate the idea of having to go by myself. If by chance there is some magic genie or fairy out there who can grant this wish for me, I hope he/she is listening right now. Please let that inkling of hope come through! I have mentioned already what it would do for my self-esteem...but have I mentioned what it will do it if things DON'T workout? Yeah, I don't wanna think about it either.
On a more positive note though, I weighed in a day early and I am officially 15.5 lbs down post surgery at 28 days, which brings my overall total (with my pre-surgery diet) to 45.5 lbs. YAAAAY! I guess that is something to be happy about, right?
I just wish my other wish would come true and make me happy.....


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